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The DB Foundation, Inc
is a not for profit organization entirely funded
by individual, private and corporate donations.  

All donations are greatly appreciated!

100% of all donations are applied to
programs increasing education, awareness
and prevention of The Choking Game.

Thank you! To all who support The Choking Game Awareness Campaign in 2011 with a donation.

In Loving Memory of Andrew Wright  ~ Anonymous Donor

In Memory of Andrew Wright ~ Tama Pearson
Check or Money Order
The DB Foundation, Inc
PO BOX 351787
Palm Coast, FL 32135
The DB Foundation  Inc
.A Non Profit Educational Foundation 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization Status Pending
Note: Information on this website is not intended to take the place of medical advice.
Updated 01/10/10
FAQs about the Choking Game Letters written to us The DB Foundations Core Members, Our Mission, and more!
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PayPal button above.  In the
memo box (you will see it after
you note the amount to donate)
type the name of whom the
donation is in memory of.
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"In Lieu of Flowers" Donations:
The Dangerous Behaviors Foundation
is a not for profit organization advocating
awareness and education of dangerous adolescent behaviors.