Individuals looking to raise awareness are encouraged to start with word of mouth throughout their community. Here are
some suggestions:
- Talk about The Choking Game to everyone you come into contact with - Especially those dealing directly with 9 - 16
year olds.
- Families suffering the loss of a child from the Choking Game, or if you have noticed activity in your area, consider
contacting your local media. Ask them to run this very important issue in the nightly news to alert parents.
- Send a letter of concern (see sample letters) to your School District, Superintendent, Principal, Primary Care Physician,
and local Youth Risk Prevention Agencies.
Choking Game Awareness Campaigns
"Wear Your Awareness 2010" is underway! Get Yours Today!
A Specialty Tee Shirt awareness campaign reaching throughout the world! Supporters, advocates, families and friends
united together in wearing their awareness tee shirts to all sorts of places and raising overall awareness for the dangers of
the Choking Game.

Tips on How to Raise Choking Game Awareness in your community
No Choking Game decal size is 3x5
Awareness Bracelet "Choking is NEVER A 'game'"
No Choking Game Button Actual 2" in diameter
Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery
.A Non Profit Educational Foundation 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization Status Pending Note: Information on this website is not intended to take the place of medical advice.
The Dangerous Behaviors Foundation is a not for profit organization advocating awareness and education of dangerous adolescent behaviors.