Prevention of the Choking Game begins with raising awareness among communities, parents, law enforcement, health professionals and
children of how deadly this 'game' is.   Awareness will naturally increase education.   Every adult has a responsibility, once they are aware, to
act in the best interest of children.   We have a very effective on-going
Awareness Campaign an accessible tool for everyone to utilize.

Prevention within your own family begins with an honest discussion about the consequences of participating in The Choking Game.  
Remember -  75% of Middle School aged children already know about it  - chances are you are not telling them something they have not
already been exposed to by their peers.  The problem lies in what their peers have failed to mention-  the dangers.  Please also be aware that
children as young as Kindergarten have been reportedly "choked out"  emulating an episode or conversation displayed by an older sibling or

Organizations and individuals have joined the DB Community to promote
raised awareness and provide education of the Choking Game
aiming for the end result to be prevention.  It is with the on-going support of our committee members The DB Foundation to be a nationally
recognized authority on The Choking Game.

To request prevention information you can contact an individual or organization directly or
email us and we will put you in contact.
Kate Blake Leonardi - Jacksonville FL   
Material Distribution:
G. "Chupa" Spiliakos - Boston, MA         
COPYRIGHT  The DB Foundation  2005-2007 All Rights Reserved
A Non Profit Educational Foundation 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization Status Pending
These organizations promote awareness and education of the Dangers of the Choking Game.  
All have experienced speakers available for conferences and symposiums and all have educational materials for raising awareness.
The 8th Day Foundation
"Releasing Destiny into the Family and
increasing awareness of the potentially  deadly
Choking Game.  
The 8th Day
P.L.A.Y. Inc.
"Parents and Professionals  Learning About Asphyxia
Activity in Youth"
The DB Foundation
"Informing, Educating & Advocating - together we are
making a difference and saving lives!"
The DB Foundation
Established Jan 2006
Serving all of the U.S.
" The Choking Game "
Advocating Education of the Dangers

Prevention opportunities

Sign the Petition
Print and Distribute Brochures to Schools, Clubs, Churches
Contact your local PTA or Parent Group
FAQs about the Choking Game Letters written to us About the history and founding of The DB Foundation
Slang names, Warning Signs, Who is doing this?
FOR kids BY kids, what do they have to say about it?
Are kids in your area playing?  Interactive Map of US Choking Game victims
Stats and current numbers happening
Medical reports and Health Dept releases
Contains Choking Game victims vital information
Get Awareness Tools to shed light on the dangers of the Choking Game in your community
Add your signature to the thousands requiring DARE and Risk Prevention Program to teach the dangers of the Choking Game
There's a survey for everyone - please give your opinion!
Calendar of Seminars and Choking Game awareness events
Contact a Speaker or Advocate in your area!
Prevention tips, Interventino help
Other dangerous behavior parents need to know about.
Written by families thenselves after The Choking Game entered thier lives.
Posted 01/01/06 | Updated 02/14/08