We believe as parents and educators, it is our duty to empower parents with information to better
keep their children safe, and children with age appropriate tools of factual information regarding
risk-taking behavior. Adolescence is a time where children begin making choices, giving them the
tools they need will more often lead to good choices on their part.
Posted 01/01/06 | Updated 07/01/08
" The Choking Game " Advocating Education of the Dangers Choking Game.net
COPYRIGHT The DB Foundation 2005-2009 All Rights Reserved The DB Foundation LLC .A Non Profit Educational Foundation 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization Status Pending Note: Information on this website is not intended to take the place of medical advice.
When an adult discovers an adolescent is 'playing' the Choking Game, What to do next?
Honestly and openly approach the child. Ask - Do you know about this 'game'?
Be prepared: Many parents are shocked at the answer.
a. Parents and teachers often aren't aware of this increasing popular game. Give them a brochure
b. The children are oblivious to the dangers of 'playing' (they think is just a game/just passing out)
Seek out others who are involved -
If 1 child is involved - THERE ARE MORE! Children are taught from:
a. Peers (innocently thinking it's just a 'game')
b. The internet (search your child's computer history for YouTube, Google Videos) children are taping episodes of
themselves and friends 'playing the Choking Game' for others to watch
c. Older siblings (innocently)
Share what you have discovered
a. Talk with your child's School. Convey your concerns to the Principal / Headmaster / Guidance office BEFORE a
child is harmed. See a Sample letter from Parents. Unsatisfactory response from the individual school
administration? Voice (repeatedly, in writing if need be) your concerns to the Superintendent, the School Board.
b. Talk to other parents - as we said above when an incident occurs, there are more participants.
c. Call the local Media - news stations/ newspaper articles increase awareness and save lives every time a story
Need Help Alerting Your School / Neighborhood