Posted: 01.15.2006
Updated: 06.25.2011
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The Dangerous Behaviors Foundation
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Todays youth are taking risks. They are car surfing, abusing over the counter and prescription medication, inhaling and ingesting common household products. All in an attempt to achieve an altered consciousness, to complete a dare or just out of teen curiosity. Oxygen deprivation practices like the choking game need to be addressed in the same manner as other current teen risky behaviors.
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For sharing with Schools
For sharing with Physicians


We believe education of the dangers of this activity is key in prevention and risk reduction. Studies have shown education methods best practice depend on the age of the audience.

Education of risk behavior prevention begins within the home. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of the Choking Game and the risks.

We aim to educate adults; parents, care takers and relatives of young children and tweens and encourage open, age appropriate, dialogue. This dialogue often begins in a familiar manner, with a very young child, with the warning of never placing a plastic bag over their head. Instilling in the child they need air to breath and be safe.

Preteens are more inclined to learn directly from their parents. Youth of this age have stated in surveys the biggest deterrent was learning they could have a stroke, results of a coma or death. Conversations could be geared more toward to possible devastating results combined with methods and tips to combat peer pressure.

Older teens are more receptive to education from a Victim, Victim's family or peers. In our presentations, either the presenter themselves is a victim's family member (usually a parent).

Based on this research, we focus our education efforts on parents and families of youth under 13 years of age. For the older teen population, we target the youth themselves.
"Don't think that by telling them you're giving them the idea," explained Dr. Dinerman. "You're telling them and saving their lives because you're telling them how risky it is."
- Dr. Linda Dinerman, a Huntsville
pediatrician who specializes in adolescent
issues WHNT News19 Feb. 9, 2011
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