The DB Foundation has been invited and presented to countless parents, professionals and approximately 40,000 Middle
& High School Students across the United States. Initally these requests to DBF were in reaction to a fatality
or incident within the community. Most recently education of this risky behavior is becoming increasingly accepted
in as a proactive measure.
There is no scientific theory, study or evidence based practice backing a theory
often heard:
"We do not want to encourage our children to emmulate this behavior by providing them education on the topic."
We believe youth require the tools of accurate, realistic, age appropriate, information to make better decisions.
We never display the methods of participating in the Choking Game a youth audience. We do share the real life consequences
of a decison to 'play' by sharing an actual 911 call within the presentation. The presentation is adaptable for special
circumstances or audiences.
Their presentation was both extremely informative and profoundly moving. Our students were quite stunned about the deadly realities
of the consequences from the choking game. I do not have any doubt that these children will ever consider this risky game,and that
they will spread the word to others about its dangers."
~ PTO President 2010
"Thank you so much for providing such valuable information. I only wish more of my parents would have come. Sadly My community is
one that believes, �not in my neighborhood�. They are really kidding themselves."
~ Middle School Principal 2010
"It was a powerful presentation. It brought home a topic we all need to be aware of. I know that I will be more vigilant in looking
for signs of this type of activity not only with the students I come into contact with on a daily basis at school and at church but
all around me."
"This type of information should be shared with everyone. There are so many things our children deal with and we as adults don't have
enough knowledge to be healpful. The fact that the information was real made this even more meaningful."
"This was a very informative session. I was deeply touched."
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Logo and 'Choking Game Awareness' are trademarks of The DB Foundation,
All Rights Reserved. For more information on this site, please read our
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PO BOX 351787
Palm Coast, FL 32135
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