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The Dangerous Behaviors Foundation
Founded in 2006
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How Many Kids Per Year?
We do not know the actual number of deaths because there is no public health agency currently tracking them.

We do know from published CDC data that an estimated 800 to 1,000 kids between the ages of 10 to 19 die of strangulation every year. Most of these are recorded as suicides. We do not know what percentage of these are actually accidents.

Even if it was only 10% that would be 80 to 100 kids a year in the US. It probably is much higher than 10%.
Update 06/02/11       
               Fatality     Non Lethal     Total

USA            9                  3                 12
Abroad         5                  0                  5
TOTAL        14                 3                 17

USA            37                8                  45 
Abroad          1                1                    2
TOTAL        38                9                  47

USA            39                 8                 47
Abroad          5                 0                  5
TOTAL        44                 8                52
USA             43                5                48
Abroad          7                 2                  9
TOTAL         50                7                 57

Years prior not included in this table.  They are available by request.


We pride ourselves on keeping a current and impeccably accurate database of reported Victims. However, even still it is not completely accurate. Many incidences go unreported, while others are misclassified as a suicide.
The Database of Victims is compiled with data acquired from immediate family members, media accounts and other reliable sources. We consider a victim to be a youth to age 20 who has participated and has after-effects (i.e. memory loss, vision impairment, brain damage, death) directly due to participation in the Choking Game as defined by the U.S. CDC.

Current Statistical Data [ 05.21.2011 ]

46 States have had incidences
82% of victims are male, 7% of those were injuries
The 5 highest ranking: Texas (33), California (32),
Ohio (23), Illinois (23), and Michigan (22).
18% of victims are female 5% increase since 2009
Georgia dropped from #5 in 2009, to #7.
2% decline from 2009
of those 7% were injuries.
Pennsylvania from #4 in 2009, to #10.
Specific Incident trends
Previous Years Statistical Data Benchmarks:
90% were male (2006)
Information is acquired via survey of each fatal case reported.

48% of fatalities used a belt as ligature.
        Others utilized cords, string, rope, dog leashes.

66% were located in their bedroom

The greatest majority of incidents occured between the hours of 6 PM and midnight.

74% of fatalities occured while an adult was on the premises.

59% of families recognized 1 or more warning signs either prior to or in retrospect of the incident.

86% of parents report not knowing about the Choking Game prior to their childs involvement.
87% were male with 7% being injuries.
13% of victims were female, of those 9% are injuries (2009)
45 states have reported cases of the Choking Game. (2009)
Many states had a significant increase in reported Choking Game cases (current and previous years) since the 2006 reporting.
California and Texas have the highest number of Choking Game cases. Followed closely by Ohio, Pennsylvania and Georgia. (2009)
North Carolina's number of reported Choking Game cases has tripled since 2006 which places them 6th in highest number of cases to date. Of the cases in North Carolina, 25% are female. (above the national average of 13%) (2009)
Texans reported 4 fatal Choking Game cases in 2006. By 2008, that number rose to 28. (2009)
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