Posted: 01.15.2006
Updated: 06.25.2011
The Dangerous Behaviors Foundation
Founded in 2006
Prevention within your own family begins with an honest discussion about the consequences of participating in The Choking Game.
presentation surveys show 75% of Middle School aged children already know about it - you are not telling them something they have
not already been exposed to by their peers. The problem lies in what their peers have failed to mention- the dangers. Please also
be aware that children as young as Kindergarten have been reportedly 'choked out' by their peers emulating an episode or conversation
displayed by an older sibling or neighbor.
Texting: Be on alert for these text symbols ;)/// ;;})))
Computer / Cell
Phone: Check your child's computer/cell phone for websites containing Pass Out or Choking Game. Also look for videos created, viewed
or uploaded by your child from video sharing sites like MySpace or YouTube. Popular tags are Fainting Game, Passing Out.
Young Children - There is no age too young for this warning. Children as young as Kindergarten have 'played' the Choking Game.
Convey to children of this age the importance of breathing and the dangers in function of their body. It goes hand-in-hand with the
talk every parent has with their preschooler about never putting plastic bags over their head or anything around their neck.
Keep talking
as your child enters Middle School. Be mindful of the warning signs.
Middle School - The median age for Choking Game participants
is 13.5 years old, Middle School aged. With so many parents unaware of the Choking Game, we recommend Middle Schools include brief
Choking Game Information in their Welcome Back to School newsletters as children enter Middle School. With parents aware, the school
district aware there is then a united front in keep youth safe.
High School - include Choking Game in the curriculum of Health Study
and/or Youth Risk Prevention Programs already covering inhalants, OTC abuse, etc. Continue the conversation of risky behaviors and
good decision making. Listen to your child, really heard what they are saying.
For sharing with Schools
For sharing with Physicians
Honestly and openly approach the child. Ask -what do you know about the Choking Game (pass out game) 'game'? Be prepared:
Many parents are shocked at the answer. Explain the dangers to them - they are injuring their brain every time. They risk stroke,
seizures and cardiac arrest and injury- even when they are doing it in a group!
- Increase supervision- be aware of your child�s activities and whereabouts even to the point of making an 'open door' rule. Your child's
safety is more valuable than their privacy.
- Remove any paraphernalia that could be used as a ligature (belts, scarves, cords, even
closet rods if you must)
- Alert school personnel (see the sample letters) If one student is involved, there are others
- Alert the parents of
your children�s friends.
- Consult with a physician to address any health needs that have resulted
- If an older teen is involved, younger
children in the same family may be at risk for participating in this activity
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