Posted: 01.15.2006
Updated: 06.25.2011
The Dangerous Behaviors Foundation
Founded in 2006
Can I add my friend to the National Database of Choking Game Victims?
Only Immediate family members and/or guardians have the
authority to register a child on the database.
Why has the CDC not released an updated report about Choking Game since
The report released in Feb 2009 was the project of Robin Toblin who, at the time, was an intern with the CDC. This report was
her project. There were no funds delegated to this or any future reports.
How can the CDC start a new study regarding the
Choking Game?
Contact your local State Representative / Congress person and request to have them briefed by the CDC about our cause.
The CDC is more than willing to do this but, because of lobbying regulations cannot initiate the contact.
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